We know how frustrating it is sometimes to own an Electric Bicycle or even a Regular Bicycle in Singapore due to a couple of rules and regulations that you have to adhere to. Despite the cycling paths and park connectors, cycling to certain parts in Singapore is still rather inaccessible. You can’t be cycling on the Singapore Expressways, right?

We can all safely say that currently, the country is not really a cycling-friendly nation yet and it is all because of these 2 factors, Land Shortage and Climate. 


Land Shortage

Singapore is home to about 5 million people and has a finite total land area of 700 Km2 (270 sq. miles). The land has been meticulously divided to meet the needs of the country and the category that requires most of our land is of course our residential areas.. Based on the picture above, we can all see how tight Singapore is in terms of space.



Besides the shortage of land, we have another enemy that discourages us to cycle to our destination and that is the Climate. Singapore’s tropical climate makes it a rather humid and uncomfortable weather to cycle in. 

Not to mention if mother nature decides to rain on the day you decide to cycle, that is another issue we will face while on the road especially if you are an E-Bike user.


Singapore is slowly Evolving

Issues regarding Singapore’s climate are beyond anyone’s control. However, the issue regarding Singapore’s shortage of land, efforts have indeed been made by the authorities to encourage Singaporeans to cycle.

As announced in 2013, LTA will build a cycling path network of about 190 kilometres in HDB towns by 2020 as part of The National Cycling Plan involving agencies such as LTA, URA, NParks, HDB, PUB and SportSG to make cycling a safe, healthy and convenient transport option for Singaporeans.

Since it’s announcement, a lot of park connectors have been constructed and opened. Currently, Singapore has 340km of park connectors islandwide. This will be upped to 500km by 2030. 

However, given the current Covid-19 situation, we should expect a delay in these advancements. 



The answer to the question “Is Singapore a Cycling-Friendly Nation?” is really simply, “Not Yet”. It takes a lot of time and planning to make our cycling dreams come true. In the meantime, it is very important for cyclists to adhere to every rules and regulations issued by LTA to make cycling a safe transportation option. Until then, we should all wait patiently.

What do you think? Are we a Cycling-Friendly Nation?

7 thoughts on “Is Singapore a Cycling-Friendly Nation?

  1. Emily Tan says:

    I completely agree that cycling in Singapore can be challenging, especially with the heat and humidity making it uncomfortable to ride long distances. However, I think the government’s efforts to increase park connectors and cycling paths are a step in the right direction.

    • Marcus Tan says:

      Hi Emily, thank you for sharing your thoughts on cycling in Singapore! We understand the challenges that come with riding a bike in our sunny island, but we’re glad to hear that you think the government’s efforts are heading in the right direction. At Eko Life, we’re committed to making e-mobility fun and accessible for everyone, regardless of age or ability. If you have any questions about our e-bikes, e-scooters, or e-wheelchairs, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or +65 6589 8877. We’re always here to help!

  2. Rohan Abdullah says:

    It’s true that Singapore isn’t yet considered a cycling-friendly nation, but I’m optimistic about the progress being made. The National Cycling Plan is a great initiative and I hope it gets implemented on schedule.

    • Lance Lee says:

      Hi Rohan, we’re glad to hear that you’re optimistic about the progress being made in Singapore. We agree that the National Cycling Plan is a great initiative and we hope it gets implemented on schedule as well. If you have any questions or concerns about e-mobility options in Singapore, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or call +65 6589 8877.

  3. Nadia Wong says:

    I’ve been cycling in Singapore for years and I can attest that it’s not easy. The heat, traffic, and lack of dedicated bike lanes make it a real challenge. But I’m hopeful that the government will continue to prioritize cycling infrastructure development.

    • Michelle Chong says:

      Thank you for sharing your personal experience of cycling in Singapore, Nadia! We completely understand the challenges you’ve faced, from the heat and traffic to the lack of dedicated bike lanes. At Eko Life, we’re committed to making e-mobility more accessible and enjoyable for everyone. Our goal is to provide reliable and fun e-bikes, e-scooters, and e-wheelchairs that can help reduce congestion on Singapore’s roads. If you have any suggestions or ideas on how we can improve cycling infrastructure in Singapore, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] or +65 6589 8877.

  4. Nurulainah Jamal says:

    I totally agree with the blog post, cycling in Singapore can be quite challenging due to land shortage and climate. However, I’m excited about the efforts made by authorities to increase park connectors and build a cycling path network.

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