Is your e-bike getting rather lonely and gathering dust during this time because of the current situation? Want to go out but not sure if you are able to do so? Want to do something with your ebikes but not sure of exactly what you should do?

Here are some activities that you could still legally do with your e-bikes in the midst of the Circuit Breaker.

Essentials Shopping

What do we do with E-bikes during circuit breaker - essential shopping

A trip to the supermarket can have a pretty unexpected outcome. You enter the supermarket with only about 3 items in your bucket list. As soon as you reach the checkout counter, you realize you have about 30 items in your basket. 

At least you wouldn’t have to worry about carrying the bags of groceries all the way home since you have your e-bikes to help you with it.

Gentle reminder though, only get what you need. Don’t Hoard! There are others who might just need it more than you do.

Get Fit

What do we do with E-bikes during circuit breaker - get fit

Staying at home can get a bit sluggish. There might even be a time where you feel completely disgusting of your eating habits and lazy behaviors at home. Well, going out for a ride with you e-bike is still allowed. 

Before you start thinking that “cycling with an e-bike is cheating”, you’re wrong! According to researchers from the Brigham Young University, cycling with an e-bike “requires almost as much physical exertion as riding a traditional bike”.

It’s about time you get out of the house and get some fresh air. Allow the wind to slap onto your face while you cycle around your neighborhood! Keyword, “neighborhood”. Please refrain from going anywhere further than your neighborhood premises as well as crowded places!

It’s shower time

With Singapore’s extremely busy and hectic lifestyle, you won’t even remember when was the last time you washed and maintained your e-bikes. This is an important routine that every e-bike owner should try and do every few months. 

Don’t worry if you are not sure on how to do it. Our good friends from Motosg have a video all about washing your e-bikes. Follow these steps and your e-bikes would look and feel as good as when you first bought them! You can find their video at their facebook page, @motocyclesg.

Shop for accessories

What do we do with E-bikes during circuit breaker - shop for accessories

It’s always good to be safe when on the road. Have you actually gotten everything that you need?

It is highly recommended to at least have a helmet, front and rear light, bell and side mirrors. Too much? These are all standard accessories to minimize the risks of you crashing on the road and injuring yourself. 

You can find many of these accessories by simply dropping us a DM on our Facebook page!

Re-decorate for a unique look

What do we do with E-bikes during circuit breaker -Re-decorate for a unique look

This is a very interesting way to spend your day either alone or with your family members. Re-decorate your e-bikes! You can paint details or even spray paint them with your favourite colours. It could be a bonding activity between you and your family as well.

Just be careful to not paint the battery sockets to avoid any complications later on!

Go on and make the bike unique-ly you. It wouldn’t hurt anybody if your e-bikes stood out more than the rest, right?


That’s all for now! Hope these suggestions would motivate you to start being active at home whether it requires physical strength or if it tests your creativity. Stay safe everyone!

Follow us on our Facebook page or Instagram account to stay updated on the activities happening in our store. Stay safe everyone!

6 thoughts on “What do we do with E-bikes during circuit breaker?

  1. Nguyen Thi Ha says:

    I’m so glad this blog post emphasized the importance of staying safe while using e-bikes during the circuit breaker. It’s crucial that we follow guidelines and be mindful of our surroundings.

    • Michelle Chong says:

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Nguyen Thi Ha! We’re glad you appreciated the emphasis on safety in our blog post. At Eko Life, we prioritize the well-being of our customers and strive to provide them with safe and enjoyable e-mobility experiences. If you have any questions or concerns about using e-bikes during the circuit breaker, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected] or +65 6589 8877. We’re here to help!

    • Marcus Tan says:

      That’s a great idea, Koh Wei Min! Re-decorating your e-bike is not only a fun way to express yourself but also helps keep it in good condition. At Eko Life, we’re all about creativity and self-expression, which is why we offer a range of accessories and customization options for our e-bikes. If you need any inspiration or advice on how to re-decorate your e-bike, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or +65 6589 8877. We’d be happy to help!.

  2. Goh Zhen Xing says:

    I’m a big fan of getting fit with my e-bike! It’s such a great way to stay active and healthy, especially during this time when we can’t go out as much.

    • Michelle Chong says:

      That’s great to hear, Goh Zhen Xing! We’re thrilled to hear that you enjoy getting fit with your e-bike. It’s indeed an excellent way to stay active and healthy while also being environmentally friendly. Remember to always follow safety guidelines when riding your e-bike, especially during this time. If you have any questions or concerns about maintaining your bike or finding new routes to explore, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] or +65 6589 8877. We’re here to help!.

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